Earth Friendly Choices


Going Green

It is part of 1Class Consulting's mission to advance Green Friendly.  1Class representatives specialize as recycling program consultants and Green Friendly cleaning consultants.  In addition, we recommend the use of products made from recycled materials, which are referred to as "closing the loop" products.

Green Friendly 
is the philosophy and lifestyle of conducting normal business operations while using products and processes that don't harm the environment of our planet.  It comes in many forms.  From recycling office paper to energy conservation, Green Friendly is becoming an increasingly popular and vital part of business and home decisions in everyday operations.

While green operations were, at one time, a PR program for many businesses, today green has become a way of life.  This has changed for several reasons, chief among them the need to conserve energy and become energy independent.  Another major reason is the advance in technology which makes being environmentally conscientious not only a good business philosophy, but a cost effective solution, as well.  The following are examples of these technological advances:

1.  While there used to be very few products made from recycled materials, there are now thousands of products with up to 100% composition of recycled materials.  You can get anything from clothing to construction grade lumber made from recycled material.

2.  Chemicals - while in the past it was more responsible to use chemicals (both household and commercial) that were less harmful to the environment, this often meant using a higher-priced and less effective product than the cheaper, more caustic option.  This has changed dramatically.  There are now several manufacturers that are making products that are not only cost-competitive, but also actually work as good or better than their harmful counterparts.

3.  Building technologies - companies are now making it a point to construct new buildings with energy saving in mind.  The use of fiber optic lighting is an example of this.

Advocate groups like the U.S. Green Building Council, with their LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification program and Green Seal, with its certification and promotion of products and services that protect the environment, have become a benchmark for industry.

At 1Class Consulting, we are committed to these green-friendly initiatives and can help all facets of business reach their green goals.  Whether you are a service provider or building manager, through an aggressive and extensive audit and research program, we can help get your business the green programs and products that make sense for the environment and you.  This means that they must work well AND be cost-effective.

Through our distribution networks, we are able to get the best Green Seal approved chemicals to clean your facilities at prices that won't negatively impact your bottom line costs.  These products are all designed to meet your service needs and won't decrease productivity.  In fact, they may improve productivity and will most certainly cut down on the amount of lost work time due to caustic chemical exposure.  In short, everybody wins in this endeavor.

In addition, we have access to numerous products that are designed to close the loop in the recycling process.  I recently worked with a supplier who made high quality, attractive recycling bins from a company's recycled papers and plastics.  These same bins were placed back in that same company where they promoted continued recycling along with being a visual reminder of the results of the employees initial efforts in the recycling process.

For Site Managers:  1Class Consulting can get you the green products that will protect the environment, reduce harmful fumes caused by caustic chemicals, and provide you with a clean building and surrounding site, without compromising site costs.  We can also help you set up an effective recycling program where you should receive rebates on the materials you recycle.  As an example of this, I challenged a waste management company to improve the client's recycling program.  They did so by changing the way recycling was viewed by the client.  The end result was nearly 75 to 80% of what formerly had been designated as trash was now being recycled, with the additional rebate going directly to the client.  This change in process was referred to as co-mingling and is still in use.

For Service Providers:  1Class Consulting can provide you with the products that will satisfy your clients' green preferences.  Providing the right green products should have no negative impact on your bottom line cost of service nor should it reduce the productivity of your employees, which would also impact your bottom line.  As an added benefit, lost time injuries due to caustic chemicals could be significantly reduced.  Studies show that the national average for these injuries is at 6% for all employees involved in the use of these caustic chemicals as part of their daily activities.  Any service provider conducting right-to-know training knows the liabilities.  Reducing these injuries can only improve your bottom line costs.

If your company is interested in improving its bottom line while improving service levels and protecting our planet, then 1Class Consulting is your resource. 

Contact us today for more information.


Recycling 1 aluminum can saves enough energy to power a TV for 3 hours.

Once an aluminum can is recycled it can be part of a new can within 6 weeks.

An aluminum can that is thrown away will still be an aluminum can in 500 years.

Americans use 2.5 million plastic bottles every hour - most are thrown away.
Plastic bags and other plastic garbage thrown into the ocean kill as many as
1,000,000 sea creatures each year.

Every month we throw out enough glass bottles and jars to fill a giant skyscraper.
A modern glass bottle would take 4000 years or more to decompose; even more if it's in a landfill.

About 1/3 of the average landfill is made up of packaging material.
On average, it costs about $30/ton to recycle trash, about $50/ton to landfill it, and about
$75/ton to incinerate it.
Approximately 6% of lost job incidents per year are due to chemical exposure.
Cleaning products are the most frequently reported cause of poisoning asreported to Poison Control.

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